Nasib hang la jib, luar dalam KUNING, apa cerita ?
Demonstrasi BERSIH sambut PM di London. Ini gambar bukan 'superimpose' yaa..!
In London, Mr. Najib defended the police, saying they had used “minimum force, and there was no physical contact at all with the demonstrators.” The scale of the protest, he added, was exaggerated, and “a maximum of 15,000” people turned up. The police put the number at 5,000 to 6,000, while protest organizers contended it was 50,000.
Kat luar demo kuning, kat dalam baju kuning. Sakit kuning aku bro !! Wakakaka..!!
July 15, 2011 at 11:07 AM
dalam hati najib"kalau ikutkan hati boleh je isa,tapi,eyyyyyy,aku tahan ni,aku tahan".hahahahaha
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